故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁158&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十四冊,頁224-225&* 魯鼐,生卒年畫史無記載,浙江山陰人,字式和,擅長畫花卉、草蟲,從他流傳的作品看,似乎對臨摹古畫下過很深的功夫。 本幅冊頁畫梅花、竹葉,用筆著色,工細精緻,不僅方法酷似宋人作品,而且描畫鳥雀畏縮形狀,尤能把握神情,妙得自然,與前人批評他有宋畫風格的文字印證,確實不差。&*Lu Nai (tzu Shih-ho) was a native of Shan-yin in Chekiang. The details of his life are not recorded in the histories of painting. As a painter he specialized in flowers, grasses, and inscects, and judging from his surviving works he must have spent a great deal of time copying paintings by former masters. The present album leaf representing plum blossoms and bamboo leaves is executed in colors using a fine detailed technique. Not only is the technique strongly reminiscent of Sung Dynasty paintings, but the treatment of the birds in outline perfectly captures their timid nature. He is able to convey the nature of each object he portrays with almost miraculous fidelity, again recalling the spirit of Sung painting. Former critics have also mentioned the influence of Sung painting on Lu Nai’s style.